Itchy and quite a bit scratchy

Toothless (or Toothy or pussy-kitten as she is known by her friends) turned out to have a really bad problem with her skin. She would scratch until it was raw, and then scratch some more. We took her to see Andrew our lovely vet who thought it was a flea allergy.  He recommeded Flea treatment – house and cat and a lot of TLC and unfortunately its not got much better. Each time we fix her up she does it again so the next best guess is a food allergy.

That means we are looking at carrying out a food elimination trial. First task to wean her off her cat milk, sticks and snacks, and dreammies and onto water, along hypoallergenic dry food and treats (possibly a slight exageration of trades descriptions act according to the cat’s reaction to the latter). Two weeks later, a grumpy kitten, and with a gradual transformation from one to the other, the first stage of the mission is accomplished.

Now the wet food. Her diet has, to be fair, been a bit more mixed than it should be. She likes peas, fish preferably deep fried, and cornflakes (mushed in coconut milk). Ok our Toothy is a bit of a sneaky plate thief. On the good side it means my daughter doesnt leave her plates lying around anymore.

The biggest delay has turned out to be actually getting our hands on anything designed for cats with allergies because out of stock seemed the order of the day. The options are foods that were designed to be low allergy because they were made of products not known to cause dietery issues in cats – vension, kangeroo because lets face it -when did you last see tigger wander in dragging bambi as a presi. Until we could do that we opted for plain chicken and rice – no grains, no beef or lamb or seafood and no dairy. It seemed to help a bit but she was still itching.

so tomorrow its back to the vet and see what he suggests.