Why are black cats so hard to home?

Looking for love and security
Looking for love and security


Is it all down to Superstitions?

There are many superstitions associated with cats.

The cat was worshipped in Ancient Egypt. They were considered to be made in the image of the goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, and love and to kill one was considered a capital crime.  Cats were revered highly, partly due to their ability to combat vermin such as mice, rats which threatened key grain supplies, and snakes.

Cats of royalty were found dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat from their owners’ plates. Temples were built to the Goddess and Herodotus reported attending a major festival of feasting in her name . When an Egyptian family cat died, the cat was mummified and the family went into mourning.

Romans, who adopted elements of religions of the places they conquered, also considered the cat sacred (and useful) and introduced it from Egypt across Europe.

So what went wrong? By the 17th Century, in Europe the cat began to be associated with witchcraft and belief in its luck turned from good to bad.

Bad superstitions: One horrible idea was that to burn cats and other animals on Shrove Tuesday (before the start of Lent), in order to protect one’s home from fire and other calamities.

Superstitions centering around the black cat are some of the most well-known and popular superstitions today. It is interesting, though, because the good or bad luck they possess is dependent on where you live in the world. In Britain and Japan, having a black cat cross your path, is considered good luck, but if you live in the USA or several European countries, it is bad luck to have a black cat walk by.

Good luck includes:

  • Possessing a black cat.
  • Having a black cat greet you at a door.
  • Having a black cat enter your home.
  • Meeting three black cats in succession.
  • Touching a black cat.

Bad luck includes:

  • Meeting a black cat early in the morning.
  • Having a black cat turn its back on you.
  • Scaring or driving away a black cat from your property.
  • Walking under a ladder after a black cat has walked underneath it.

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